About Us
Ross Menzies
I am a practising herbalist and run a busy clinic from my home in Northumberland, treating people with a wide range of physical and emotional imbalances. I also co-manage the therapeutic horticulture project, bringing many years of experience of working with people who are struggling with mental health issues as well as people with learning difficulties.
In all this work I draw on the many gifts that nature has to offer us on the journey to find a deeper sense of belonging and well-being.

Katrina Padmore
I have been inspired by plants, gardens and gardening all my life and am passionate about using these to nurture and inspire others. After bringing up a family of 4 children in rural Northumberland, I have now worked in horticulture for 20 years. Since 2008, I have enjoyed drawing together all the strands of my interests and previous work experience in helping to develop Let’s Get Growing. As well as being the Company Secretary, I am a Project Co-ordinator for our therapeutic gardening project at Minsteracres for those with varying physical and mental health needs. This has fulfilled a long-held desire to explore the possibilities of gardening as therapy, based on a strong belief in the healing potential of being in nature.

Holly Clay
I am a therapeutic arts practitioner and workshop-facilitator, supporting people from all walks and stages of life to find connection with each other, their inner selves and the natural world. I grew up in a Camphill community and I now run a small Stenier early years project at Burnlaw Centre where I live with my partner and two children. I work in the Peace Garden supporting the therapeutic garden work as well as working on the outreach activities of Lets Get Growing, for Minsteracres Retreat Centre. I focus on making spaces to hold participants as a group, running gentle and inclusive nature crafts activities, walks and meditations. I believe in the importance of intimate and creative heart-work in group settings, safeguarding participants' paths to self-expression.